Message Handler(handler)

Loc: x/stake/handler.go


package stake

import (

    sdk ""
    abci ""

const (
    GasDeclareCandidacy int64 = 20
    GasEditCandidacy    int64 = 20
    GasDelegate         int64 = 20
    GasUnbond           int64 = 20

func NewHandler(k Keeper) sdk.Handler {
    return func(ctx sdk.Context, msg sdk.Msg) sdk.Result {
        // NOTE msg already has validate basic run
        switch msg := msg.(type) {
        case MsgDeclareCandidacy:
            return handleMsgDeclareCandidacy(ctx, msg, k)
        case MsgEditCandidacy:
            return handleMsgEditCandidacy(ctx, msg, k)
        case MsgDelegate:
            return handleMsgDelegate(ctx, msg, k)
        case MsgUnbond:
            return handleMsgUnbond(ctx, msg, k)
            return sdk.ErrTxDecode("invalid message parse in staking module").Result()


// now we just perform action and save
func handleMsgDeclareCandidacy(ctx sdk.Context, msg MsgDeclareCandidacy, k Keeper) sdk.Result {

    // check to see if the pubkey or sender has been registered before
    _, found := k.GetCandidate(ctx, msg.CandidateAddr)
    if found {
        return ErrCandidateExistsAddr(k.codespace).Result()
    if msg.Bond.Denom != k.GetParams(ctx).BondDenom {
        return ErrBadBondingDenom(k.codespace).Result()
    if ctx.IsCheckTx() {
        return sdk.Result{
            GasUsed: GasDeclareCandidacy,

    candidate := NewCandidate(msg.CandidateAddr, msg.PubKey, msg.Description)
    k.setCandidate(ctx, candidate)
    tags := sdk.NewTags("action", []byte("declareCandidacy"), "candidate", msg.CandidateAddr.Bytes(), "moniker", []byte(msg.Description.Moniker), "identity", []byte(msg.Description.Identity))

    // move coins from the msg.Address account to a (self-bond) delegator account
    // the candidate account and global shares are updated within here
    delegateTags, err := delegate(ctx, k, msg.CandidateAddr, msg.Bond, candidate)
    if err != nil {
        return err.Result()
    tags = tags.AppendTags(delegateTags)
    return sdk.Result{
        Tags: tags,

整个handler函数代码,由IsCheckTx()分隔,当checktx调用的时候,返回true,当是deliverTx调用的时刻,返回false。换句话说,IsCheckTx()上面部分是checkTx处理的逻辑,用来检查交易的合法性,然后deliverTx处理的逻辑是包含checkTx的,还多加了具体模块的应用逻辑 ,对KVStore进行读写操作。最后就是返回sdk.Result。注意每个handler末尾都有Tag,记录handler处理的信息返回给tendermintCore。sdk.NewTags的输入是string类型然后接[]bytes类型,成对出现的变长参数列表。

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